Dynamic Pacing

To achieve the desired TPS (transaction per second), it is required that the overall response time which includes the response time of all the transactions under 1 iteration, pacing and think time; must be constant.

Since transaction response time is not in your hand and it can be deviated by X%, so in order to achieve desired TPS, how to make overall response time constant.

The answer is Pacing.

By making pacing dynamic you can achieve desired TPS. How? Refer to the below article.👇

👉Article Link

Why Page Load Time is not correct metric?

Nowadays, one new requirement is being added in the NFR by the client that a page must be loaded in X seconds in the browser. I also get many queries regarding PageLoad Time testing.

Do you think such a requirement should be considered under core performance testing?

The answer is given in this video. Watch this informative Video published by New Relic. 👇

👉Video Link

How to become a good performance engineering?

Stijn Schepers has shared an article which stressed over to become a good performance engineering. The simple 17 key points help to improve performance engineering skill. Read it and get the benefit.

LinkedIn Article Link

Additional Details: Performance engineering aims to design the application by keeping the performance metrics in mind and also to discover potential issues early in the development cycle.